Why update your signature? A person’s signature can change for many reasons, including change of name, or due to certain physical factors such as age, illness or other impairments which can affect how one signs his or her name. As a voter, it is important to check your signature on record periodically in the event your signature has changed.
(If your signature or identifying mark has changed, please update your signature using a Voter Registration Application)
What is your signature used for? A voter’s signature is compared against their record to verify and count petitions, Vote-by-Mail ballots, and provisional ballots. If the signature provided does not match what we have on record, the ballot or petition may not be counted.
How to update your signature? It is recommended that you submit a Florida Voter Registration Application to update your signature or identifying mark. Please visit our How To Register to Vote page for instructions on how to submit an application By Mail or In Person.
NOTE: If returning a vote by mail ballot, a voter may update their signature up until the day our office receives their ballot.