Voter Information

Sample Ballots and Voting Locations


Complete the form to see:

  • Where to vote on election day

  • Sample ballots

  • Upcoming elections


You'll also be able to:

  • Request a mail ballot

  • Review/update your voter registration information

  • Check the status of your mail ballot

  • Review your voting activity for the past 12 months


Please use the following format when entering data below:

  • First Name: Enter your first name as it appears on your voter information card. To properly fill in the first name field, it is necessary to include any hyphen or space present in the first name, especially if the name consists of more than two first names. 

    Example: Mary Ann or Mary-Ann

  • Last Name: Enter your last name as it appears on your voter information card. To properly fill in the last name field, it is necessary to include any hyphen or space present in the last name, especially if the name consists of more than two last names.

    Example: Smith Jones or Smith-Jones

  • Date of Birth: MM/DD/YYYY